Bali Government Health Certification Program Under Way
The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (MOTCE) is working with the Ministry of Health and related agencies to finalise new standard operating procedures (SOP) and certification for the industry.
Bali Hotel Association member hotels and resorts are currently undertaking the verification and certification process.
The implementation of the health protocols as well as the verification is in order to present clean, healthy, safe, and environmentally sustainable destinations.
This protocol guideline is a detailed derivative of the Minister of Health Decree Number HK.01.07/Menkes/382/2020 concerning Health Protocols for Community in Public Places and Facilities in the Context of Prevention and Handling of Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) with input from the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy.
Information about Indonesia Care and Implementation of Guidelines for CHSE can be seen further at indonesia.travel/indonesiacare website.