BHA Continues Driving Sustainability as Top Agenda

BHA envisions 2023 as the new era of Bali tourism, which focuses on quality tourism, and thus continues to advocate service excellency and sustainability practices to the industry. Over the years, BHA has been actively participating in shaping the tourism landscape in Bali through long term education opportunities, effective hotel-government relations, and various initiatives such as the Sustainable Food Festival, zero waste campaigns, and working with local producers to minimize environmental impact.
“Working towards 2023, sustainability remains on top of our agenda. We aim for each member hotel to better manage its waste, energy, and water. BHA continues to push members and partners to adopt sustainable business practices and encourage creative ways to operate more efficiently and effectively, and drive positive impacts to our environment,” said Kevin Girard, Vice Chairman and Sustainability Director of BHA.
“Many of our member hotels have been working with two or three local suppliers. BHA aims to connect our members to 10+ new vendors, which will create opportunities for further collaborations,” said Kevin Girard
Travel Responsibly
Sustainabilty Matters