Bali Hotels Association advises its members to let Australian Guests know about BIO security checks upon return from their Bali holidays as well as launching a CSR program called “ Leave your shoes with us”.
Bali, July 18, 2022 – In response to the increasing number of foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) outbreaks worldwide, travelers to Australia from infected regions need to take steps to help prevent the accidental introduction of the disease into their country.
In May 2022, Australia’s Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment (AWE) was advised of an outbreak of foot and mouth disease (FMD) in Indonesia with an initial calculation of more than 2000 head of cattle infected in provinces across North Sumatra and East Java.
FMD is not considered a human health risk, but humans can carry the virus on their clothing, shoes, body (particularly the throat and nasal passages) and personal items. Foot and Mouth Disease is not a food safety or public health concern. Commercially produced meat, milk and dairy products would be safe to consume.
It has been reported by the Australian Federal Minister of Agriculture Murry Watt, that Australian BIO Security Offices will be checking flights coming back into the country from Indonesia. These flights will be boarded by a biosecurity officer who will share a message dedicated to the issues surrounding FMD. He also has stated it is crucial to keep the relationship with Indonesia strong.
Mr Watt also ruled out a travel ban between Bali and Australia. "We've got to keep our relationship with Indonesia strong, for trade, national security and other reasons," he said.

Bali Hotels Association Members have been advised to let their guests know of the bio security checks they may face upon their return to Australia.
Guests who do not wish to take home their shoes or any clothes are welcome to leave them with the hotel, which will then have them cleaned and made available for those communities in need through the Bali Hotels Association CSR Program.
In regard to FMD in Bali, as of July5, 2022 the government in Bali temporarily closed the animal market to prevent the spread of foot and mouth disease in Bali. At least 128 head of cattle in four districts in Bali tested positive for foot and mouth disease. Around 110,000 doses of the FMD vaccine have now been received by Bali. The Department of Agriculture and Food Security of the Province of Bali have currently culled 55 cattle.
Bali Hotels Association in a recent meeting with its members, the Security and Safety Director Franklyn Kocek, spoke about the need to be vigilant of the Government Hygiene and Sanitary requirements which need to be fulfilled by vendors. The Veterinary Control Number, which is abbreviated as NKV, is a certificate as valid written evidence that the hygiene-sanitary requirements have been fulfilled as a basic feasibility of guaranteeing food safety of animal origin in a food business unit of animal origin.
The objectives of NKV certification are:
1). To ensure that the food business unit of animal origin has complied with the hygiene-sanitation requirements and implemented good production methods,
2). Make it easier to trace back in case of food poisoning cases of animal origin and
3). The implementation of legal and administrative order in the business management of food products of animal origin.
More information from the Australian Government available here
About Bali Hotels Association
Bali Hotels Association is a professional group of star-rated hotels and resorts in Bali. Members include General Managers from 157 hotels and resorts in Bali that represent more than 27,148 hotel rooms and almost 35,849 employees in tourism sector. One of the objectives of BHA is to support and facilitate the development of communities, education and environment in Bali. BHA has initiated many projects involving the association members as well as the people in the industry. Only by supporting each other these long-term projects can be achieved and benefits everyone in the island. Their vision is to keep Bali as the most desirable tourism destination in Asia through the warmth and hospitality of its people. Their mission is to bring together all General Managers of hotels, villas and resorts in a non-competitive environment, to exchange information on matters of general interest, to have a common voice on issues pertaining to the tourism and hospitality industries in support of Bali as a destination. To support and facilitate the development of Balinese community, education and environment initiatives in Bali.
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FMD and Australian Visitors to Bali | 18 Jul 2022 | Download |