Overseas Media Once again not reporting based on facts
Back in August 2018, The Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) announced that it allowed the country's Muslims to receive a government-sponsored vaccine for measles and rubella, despite its containing porcine gelatin. MUI Allows Indonesian Muslims to Receive MR Shots.
The decision should end long controversies and help the government's effort to establish herd immunity to the diseases. It was explained by MUI as necessary
"First, it's an emergency situation. Second, there is no other halal [religiously permissible] MR vaccine available. Third, we received explanation from competent and trusted experts regarding the dangers of skipping immunization," MUI's Fatwa Commission Asrorun Ni'am Sholeh said on Monday evening (20/08).
The government wants to reach at least 95 percent of Indonesians to establish herd immunity against measles and rubella and eradicate the diseases by next year.
The Ministry of Health recorded 6,890 cases of measles in 2016, five of them fatal.
Full article available here
Currently there are media outlets once again reporting inaccurate and non factual news to the general public.