
Safety & Security Programs for 2023

Bali Hotels Association 12 January 2023
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The committment of our members to ensure that their hotels and resorts as well as their teams continue to stay updated with all the latest information in order to  serve the interests of guests and employees, and protect their property.  Major areas covered for guests, employees, property, facility assets, and crisis situations remain at the top of the list as part of the Bali Hotels Association Safety and Security Program. 

Over 91 Bali Hotels Association Member Hotels and Resorts attended the first Safety and Security Program meeting for 2023. Discussed were various programs such as:

The Assessment related to "Guidelines for the Protection of Strategic Vital Object Facilities in Preventing Criminal Acts of Terrorism" from the Indonesian National Agency for Counter Terrorism (BNPT RI).  Also the
Certification related to "Disaster Preparedness" from the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) Bali Province. BHA Safety and Security Program Director,
Franklyn Kocek GM The Stones Legian Bali, Autograph Collection Hotels outlined the programs for 2023. Thank you also to Franklyn and his team for hosting BHA members.

View a list of our member hotels and resorts here

Bali Hotels Association is a professional group of star rated hotels and resorts in Bali. Members include General Managers from 159 hotels and resorts in Bali that represent more than 25,988 hotel rooms and almost 30,557 employees in tourism sector.

One of the objectives of BHA is to support and facilitate the development of communities, education and environment in Bali. BHA has initiated many projects involving the association members as well as the people in the industry. Only by supporting each other this long term projects can be achieved and benefits everyone in the island.



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