Visit to Annika Linden's Open House Day

On August 9, BHA representative Melida Weber had the opportunity to visit the Annika Linden Center (ALC) for its open house and launch of DNetwork.net. ALC is home non-profit disability organisations PuspadiBali (Assistive Devices) YPK (rehabilitation and education) and now DNetwork.net (inclusive employment). BHA Members support ALC. Several of our hotels signed a MOUs committing to employ people with disabilities. Melida Weber says "If you haven't been, I highly suggest to go and see the amazing things happening at ALC. I had the honour of atttending this event and listen to Mark Weingard the founder. After many years on the island and supporting Puspadi and YPK, the actual visit to ALC was an emotional eye-opener to the reality of disabilities in Bali. Hearing Mark Weingard , founder, speak is a true inspiration. The campaign Aku Mampu Inklusif (I am able to be inclusive) shows that there is a movement for Balinese disability residents. If you are not working with ALC and would like to, please reach out!